Predicting the Useful Values with Machine Learning Models

1. Figure

[Fig. Random forest features by importance]

[Fig. Result of models]

2. Goal

To determine which machine learning model provides the best prediction of whether a review on California restaurants on Yelp will be voted as “useful” by users.

3. Methodology & Summary

  • Random Forest has an AUC score of 91.58% that shows the model is learning the data well enough.
  • By using the Random Forest model that we made, the restaurants can predict whether a review is useful or not even before people start pressing a useful button on Yelp. If a review is useful, which is written as a reasonable good, bad or both things, the restaurants need to change the customers’ complaints or maintain the good contents the reviewers have told for their restaurants’ development.

4. Report

Please click [HERE] for the final report.

5. Presentation Slides

Please click [HERE] for the presentation slides.